Yes, there are significant differences between Intel 4th Gen and 8th Gen processors. The 4th Gen processors, also known as Haswell, were released in 2013 and are based on 22nm process technology. They have up to 4 cores and feature lower clock speeds compared to the 8th Gen processors.
On the other hand, the 8th Gen processors, codenamed Coffee Lake, were released in 2017 and are based on 14nm process technology. They have up to 6 cores and offer significantly higher clock speeds, performance, and efficiency compared to the 4th Gen processors.
The 8th Gen processors also come with newer technologies such as Intel Optane memory support, improved integrated graphics, and higher cache sizes. Overall, the 8th Gen processors provide better performance and are more suitable for tasks that require higher processing power, such as gaming, video editing, and content creation.