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دوره تخصصی پردازش زبان طبیعی با پروژه عملی و رفع اشکالات روزانه فراگیران توسط اساتید حل تمرین در طول دوره. سرفصل‌های دوره: NLP and Language Modeling Probabilistic Language Models Neural Networks and Neural Language Models Word Representation Sparse vs Dense Representation Static Word Embeddings From Word Representation to Doc Representatio Text Preprocessing Challenges in Persian Text Processing Sequence Processing Recurrent Neural Networks Seq2Seq Models Attention Mechanism Transformers Contextualized Representation Transfer Learning Pre-trained Model Word Embedding with BERT Properties of Human Conversation Types of Chatbots Rule-based Chatbots Rule based Chatbots Retrieval-based Chatbots Lexical-based Text Similarity Semantic Text Similarity Generation-based Chatbots Pretrained Generative Models Frame-based Dialogue Systems Evaluation of Chatbots Further Improvements Sum up and Future Directions اطلاعات بیشتر و ثبت‌نام