Determiners and Relative Clauses: The Use of Relative Pronouns in English Language

Determiners are words that are used before nouns to give more information about the nouns they are referring to. They can include articles (such as "the" or "a"), demonstratives (such as "this" or "that"), possessives (such as "my" or "his"), and quantifiers (such as "some" or "many"). Relative clauses are clauses that provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. They are usually introduced by relative pronouns such as "who," "whom," "which," or "that." In English language, relative pronouns are used to connect a relative clause to the main clause and help to combine two sentences into one. They are used to describe or provide more information about a noun in the main clause. Overall, determiners and relative clauses are important elements of English language that help to provide more detail and clarity in sentences.


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