تقسیم بندی یک گروه اصلی از زنبورهای کندوی عسل - بخش اول

Zoologists have classified honey bees into several different groups based on their behavior, morphology, and genetics. The first major division within honey bees is between the Apis and non-Apis species. The Apis group includes the commonly known honey bees such as Apis mellifera (the Western honey bee) and Apis cerana (the Eastern honey bee). These bees are social insects that live in large colonies with a queen, workers, and drones. They are known for their pollination services and production of honey and beeswax. Non-Apis species, on the other hand, are solitary or semi-social bees that do not form large colonies like Apis bees. This classification is essential for understanding the diversity and evolutionary history of honey bees.


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